First impressions

The Shri Ram College Boys Hostel is located in but entirely separate from the college itself. So much so that there is seemingly a boundary line, a demarcation between the two (where the hostel is ‘no man’s land). Justifiable in view of the rules of the Hostel, which are ‘hatke’ from the laws of the college. Much opposed to official reality, the hostel has its own set of rules and norms, which are a must to follow.

I entered the hostel comparatively late preceding which my ‘hosteller’ friends had created a rather sordid impression of the hostel with their tales of seemingly endless ragging, consisting of horrible nights and gloomy days. It was enough to dissuade a would-be hosteller and make him seriously consider taking a room in Kamla Nagar instead, where I had spent my days as a ‘dayschee’. Overcoming my apprehensions though, I entered the hostel with mustered courage and a strange sense of enthusiasm. I was subsequently greeted not by my batch mates but by my seniors. They happily worked me into their busy schedule with chores commencing from 6.30 a.m. the next day. My initial impression of the hostel was based on my first few days there. My fellow fachchas and I were on a permanent lookout for opportunities to keep away from the hostel. This predicament ended with the Freshers’ Day for my batch. After that there was a healthy relationship between my batch and our seniors. The mess and the common room proved the ideal venues for the gathering of the tribes. Unity, camaraderie, and respect for each other were the most prolific traits. The hostel has great talent in people like M.D., Lohia and Suvojit. (Ed’s note – Talent?).

After my “Freshers’” I was determined to utilize my newfound freedom to the utmost. A few weeks later ‘Crossroads’ was held and one could see the hostel’s active participation in all the events. From security to stage management, the onus fell on the hostel. The event was managed better than any event-managing firm could have achieved. (Ed’s note – Um… in all honesty, we did hire an event manager). In that I think lies the uniqueness of the hostellers.

One can never underestimate the importance of hostel life. The joy of living together, of tremendous unity in diversity can be found only in the hostel. The SRCH has served many a purpose and I can rightly call it a ‘home away from home’.

- Sushant Pandey